Magnetic Resources is focused on the development of its portfolio of first-tier gold projects in a gold belt in Laverton, an established mining region. It is home to some of the largest gold discoveries in Western Australia.
Magnetic has amassed a significant portfolio of 100% owned tenements, totaling 261km2 in the established gold mining province of Western Australia, Laverton. Our projects, Lady Julie Central, Lady Julie North, Hawks Nest and Homeward Bound are located within 10-15 kms of the existing producing mines of Dacian and Goldfields, both of whom have processing facilities not operating at full capacity.
Our company strategy prioritized bringing these projects to production utilizing the existing processing infrastructure in Laverton region.
All projects can be accessed from Leonora via the sealed Laverton to Leonora Highway and via regular commercial flights from Perth to Laverton and Leonora. The Laverton area is well traversed by major sealed roads and a gas pipeline.
In 2022 the first JORC compliant resource has been announced, following up the further resource upgrade in February 2023.

2023Total maiden resource has been upgraded to 13.5 Mt @ 1.40 g/ t Au – 605,000 oz of Au @0.5 g/t cut off announced. Positive metallurgical test rults Recovery rate confirmed @ 93% – 97.8% Engineering, environmental logistics studies and permitting are finalized in Q3 23
2022Total maiden resource of 13.1 Mt @ 1.22 g/ t Au – 511,000 oz of Au @0.5 g/t cut off announced. Major Drilling program Mineralization target up to 200m depth Engineering, environmental logistics studies and permitting activities commenced
2021Second discovery: Lady Julie Central drilling delivered 25m @ 4.4 g from surface Acquisition of Lady Julie 4 tenements. Third discovery : Drilling delivered 37m @ 2.4.g/t from 60m
2020Julie and Homeward Bound
2019First discovery: drilling program defines presence of significant shallow gold deposit over area of 0.5 sqkm
2018Sampling program indicates presence of large gold anomaly close to surface
2017Hawks Nest Tenements granted. Drilling campaign completed
2006Magnetic Resources Ltd is listed on ASX